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Back to basics – Divergence of a random walk

George Pólya
George Pólya (1887 - 1985) one of the first to study rigorously random walks.

Recently a colleague of mine came with a simple question related to his second year probability classes: how to prove that an asymmetric random walk diverges to infinity almost surely, without using the Borel-Cantelli lemma, the law of large numbers, or Markov chains tools such as stopping times and recurrence/transience?

A natural answer to is prove all what is needed from scratch, which turns out to be pretty short and intuitive for the random walk. More precisely, let (Sn)n0 be an asymmetric random walk on Z started from the origin, namely S0=0 and for any n1


where (Xn)n1 is a sequence of independent and identically distributed random variables following an asymmetric Rademacher distribution:


Our objective is to prove that




The idea is to show that (Sn)n1 is captured after a random time by a cone centered around E(Sn)=nm where m:=E(Xi)=2p10, of width δnn. To see it, for any δn>0 to be chosen later, we introduce the event


The Markov inequality gives (trying with 2 instead of 4 shows that 2 is not enough)


But, denoting Xi:=Xim, we get E(Xi)=0 and Snnm=X1++Xn and


where we used the fact that the Xi's are centered, independent, and bounded in L4: supn1E(X4n)<. Therefore for any δn=nα with α>0 to be chosen later,

P(An)=O(1n4α2)and thusn=1P(An)<

as soon as α>3/4. Let us introduce now the random variable


The Fubini-Tonelli theorem or the monotone convergence theorem gives


Since Y takes its values in [0,], it follows that P(Y<)=1, in other words, almost surely, the series n=11An converges, in other words, almost surely, for n large enough (above a random threshold), we have


and by taking 3/4<α<1, it follows that (Sn)n1 diverges to + if p>1/2 since m>0 and to if p<1/2 since m<0 (drawing a picture with a cone may help!).

Note. This proof works beyond the case of ±1 increments and requires only independence and boundedness in L4. Actually the same argument gives a quick proof of the strong law of large numbers for independent random variables bounded in L4 with same mean mR:


Namely since E((Snnm)4)=O(1n2), we get E(n=1(Snnm)4)<, and therefore P(limn(Snnm)4=0)=1, which means that P(limnSnn=m)=1. This strong law of large numbers provides in turn the almost sure divergence of the asymmetric random walk.

The argument provides also a quick proof of the first Borel-Cantelli lemma by using the Fubini-Tonelli theorem or the monotone convergence theorem. Namely, if (An)n1 is a sequence of events such that n=1P(An)<, then E(n=11An)< and thus P(n=11An<)=1 which means that P(lim supn1An)=0.

Note. The classical Markov chain way to prove the result consists in using the fact that (Sn)n0 is a Markov chain with state space Z and transition matrix Px,y=p1y=x+1+(1p)1y=x1. This matrix is irreducible, and therefore it suffices to show that the state 0 is transient. The chain has period 2 and therefore P2n+1(0,0)=0 for any n0. For P2n0,0, the coin tossing game due to the ±1 increments gives (SnS0+n)/2Binom(n,p), which yields


where ρ:=4p(1p). Now p1/2 gives ρ<1, and thus


which shows that the chain is transient.

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