Libre pensée is Freethought. Following the common sense, freethought is a philosophical viewpoint that holds that opinions should be formed on the basis of science, logic, and reason, and should not be influenced by authority, tradition, or any dogma. Everyone can diversify his sources of inspiration and avoid exclusive maîtres à penser. This point of view is not suitable for religious souls, so numerous, even among atheists.

Djalil, I'm so very much in agreement with you. You nailed it!
Takis Konstantopoulos
P.S. I came to your page because I'm referring to your nice probabilistic proof of Schoenberg's theorem in a pair and then got hooked on your libres pensées. Très bien fait! Bravo!
Thank you Takis for your enthusiasm!
You're most welcome. I love your blog and the way you think. I'll be a reader now and, if you don't mind, I'll ask my younger colleagues (and students) to be reading it too.
By the way, I wrote the above in haste, from a stupid phone, and the word "paper" came out as "pair". So, corrigendum: pair -> paper.