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Double exponential

We have already mentioned in a previous post an amusing property of the exponential distribution. Here is another one: if X and Y are two independent exponential random variables with mean 1/λ and 1/μ respectively then XY  follows the double exponential distribution on R with  density


In other words, we have the mixture L(XY)=L(X)L(Y)=μλ+μL(X)+λλ+μL(Y).

In particular, when λ=μ we get the symmetric double exponential (Laplace distribution) with density xλ2eλ|x|.  Another way to state the property is to say that the double exponential is the image of the product distribution E(λ)E(μ) by the linear map (x,y)xy. Note that the density of X+Y is xλμeμxeλxλμ1R+(x)

(when λ=μ we recover by continuity the Gamma density xλ2xeλx1R+(x)).

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