List of courses taken by a third year student from a major Chinese university in 2022 :
- Abstract Algebra
- Advanced linear Algebra
- Appreciation of Symphony Music
- Complex Analysis
- Differential Geometry
- English for Academic Purposes : Research Paper Writing
- English for Academic Purposes : Spoken Communication
- Experience of Manufacturing Engineering
- Foundation of Vocal Music
- Game Theory
- How To Start a Startup - Face To Face with Famous Entrepreneurs
- Ideological Moral and Legal Education
- Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
- Introduction to Mao Zedong Thoughts and Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristic
- Introduction to the Social Service of College Students
- Introduction to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era
- Mathematical Analysis
- Math from Examples
- Measures and Integrals
- Military Skills
- Military Theory
- Ordinary Differential Equations
- Outline of Modern Chinese History
- Physical Education
- Physics for Scientists and Engineers
- Principle of Marxist Philosophy
- Probability and Statistics
- Probability Theory
- Programming Fundamentals
- Situation and Policy
- Swimming Competency Test
- Sympathetic of Drama
- The Practice of C++ Programming