This image is taken from a Current Biology recent paper, see below. The original image comes form Google Earth and each black dot marks a small mound created by termites in a region of Brazil. This resembles amazingly to a determinantal point process, such as the complex Ginibre ensemble and its circular law. Collective phenomenon and self-organized structure...
- A vast 4,000-year-old spatial pattern of termite mounds
by Stephen J. Martin, Roy R. Funch, Paul R. Hanson, Eun-Hye Yoo, Correspondence in Current Biology 28(22) PR1292-R1293, november 19, 2018 - For 4,000 Years, Termites Have Been Building Something Incredible in Brazil by Ed Yong, November 19 2018, The Atlantic
- Des termites ont construit une « structure » aussi vaste que la Grande-Bretagne, 23 novembre 2018, Le Monde