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Mathematical citation quotient for probability and statistics journals - 2016 update

We have already considered the mathematical citation quotient (MCQ) in a couple of posts (here and there). We give below the 2016 update of the MCQ evolution for probability journals, and for statistics journals. The graphics were produced using MathSciNet, Python, and LibreOffice. Since the MCQ normalization is with respect to papers and not with respect to pages, the MCQ is not in favor of journals publishing exclusively or frequently short papers such as Electronic Communications in Probability (ECP) and Journal of Statistical Physics (JSP). We still see on these graphics the three (maybe four) clusters for probability, and the domination of a Europe-USA couple for statistics. We also see a possible beginning of domination of a Europe-USA couple in probability. Is it an instance of some sort of self-organized criticality? The concept seems to be vague enough to include the phenomenon.

MCQ 2015 Probability

MCQ 2015 Statistics

Here is the MCQ for some famous generalist mathematics journals:

MCQ for some mathematics journals

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