Journées Statistiques du Sud 2008
Toulouse, June 16-18 2008

The Journées Statistiques du Sud are a new series of workshops taking
place in the sunny cities of Barcelona, Marseille, Montpellier, Nice and
Toulouse. Centered on mini-courses and talks given by outstanding researchers,
these workshops aim at providing a stimulating forum for exchanging ideas and
learning about the latest developments on selected topics of intensive
research in statistics. The 2007 edition took place in Nice.
The 2008 edition of Journées Statistiques du Sud took place
at the INSA of Toulouse located near
the Université Paul Sabatier Campus.
Download the conference poster in PDF
Speakers & Program
The topics of the 2008 edition were Statistics in High
Dimensions and
Statistics and Information Theory.
Download the program in PDF
Invited talks
Scientific & Organizing committees
Scientific committee
Y. Baraud (Nice), G. Biau (Paris 6), L. Cavalier (Aix-Marseille), B. Laurent-Bonneau (Toulouse), J.-M. Loubes (Toulouse), G. Lugosi (Barcelona).
Organizing committee
D. Chafaï, B. Laurent-Bonneau, M. Lerasle, J.-M. Loubes. Administration: P. Jarry (INSATransfert-SAIC).
List of participants
- Akakpo, Nathalie, Paris XI
- Arlot, Sylvain, Paris XI
- Autin, Florent, Aix-Marseille I (LATP)
- Azaïs, Jean-Marc, Toulouse III (IMT)
- Baccini, Alain, Toulouse III (IMT)
- Baraud, Yannick, Nice
- Berthet, Philippe, Rennes I (IRMAR)
- Besse, Philippe, Toulouse III (INSA et IMT)
- Biau, Gérard, Paris VI (LSTA)
- Boitard, Simon, INRA (Génétique Cellulaire)
- Bontemps, Dominique, Paris XI
- Cavalier, Laurent, Aix-Marseille I (LATP)
- Celisse, Alain, Paris (AgroParisTech)
- Chafai, Djalil, Toulouse (INRA et IMT)
- Cornec, Matthieu, Paris X
- Dalalyan, Arnak, Paris VI (LPMA)
- Del Barrio, Eustasio, Valladolid
- Delmas, Céline, Toulouse (INRA SAGA)
- Dong, Qian, Rennes (ÉNS Cachan et IRMAR)
- Dupuy, Jean François, Toulouse III (IMT)
- Fort, Jean-Claude, Toulouse III (IMT)
- Gaiffas, Stéphane, Paris VI (LSTA)
- Gannaz, Irène, Grenoble (INP LJK)
- Garel, Bernard, Toulouse (ENSEEIHT et IMT)
- Garivier, Aurélien, Paris (CNRS et ENST)
- Girard, Robin, Grenoble (LJK)
- Giraud, Christophe, Jouy-en-Josas (INRA MIA)
- Györfi, László, Budapest
- Hebiri, Mohamed, Paris VII (LPMA)
- Huet, Sylvie, Jouy-en-Josas (INRA MIA)
- Klein, Thierry, Toulouse III (IMT)
- Lagnoux Renaudie, Toulouse III (IMT),
- Laurent, Béatrice, Toulouse (INSA et IMT)
- Lecué, Guillaume, Marseille (CNRS et LATP)
- Lerasle, Matthieu, Toulouse (INSA et IMT)
- Loubes, Jean-Michel, Toulouse III (IMT)
- Marin, Jean-Michel, INRIA Saclay et Paris XI
- Marteau, Clément , Aix-Marseille I (LATP)
- Mercier, Sabine, Toulouse (IMT LSB)
- Meziani, Katia, Paris VII (LPMA)
- Michel, Bertrand, Paris XI
- Milhem, Hélène, Toulouse (INSA et IMT)
- Pelletier, Bruno, Montpellier II
- Pouet, Christophe, Aix-Marseille I (LATP)
- Prieur, Clémentine, Toulouse (INSA et IMT)
- Rabier, Charles-Elie, Toulouse III
- Robelin, David, Toulouse (INRA LGC/SAGA)
- Roquain, Etienne, Vrije Universiteit
- Ruiz-Gazen, Anne , Toulouse I (Gremaq et IMT)
- Salmon, Joseph, Paris VII (LPMA)
- Tsybakov, Alexandre, Paris (ENSAE ParisTech)
- Van de Geer, Sara, Zürich
- Verzelen, Nicolas, Paris XI
- Villa-Vialaneix , Nathalie, Toulouse (IMT)
- Villers, Fanny, Jouy-en-Josas (INRA)
- Willer, Thomas, Aix-Marseille I (LATP)
- Yao, Anne-Françoise, Aix-Marseille II (LMGEM)
Conference web page, poster, and PDF program by D. Chafaï. The poster is based on the 2007 Edition poster
by Ch. Giraud.