(initial proposition for the email that we could send to the scientific committee)

Patricia [Will not],

here is a preliminary web page for the conference:


We plan 30 participants in total, including the organizers.
We hope for 10 phd students or postdocs among these 30 participants.

Here is the cost (includes lodging, breakfast, and lunches for the week):

Single room : 312 Euros
Shared room : 252 Euros (typically for phd students)

Dinners are not included: the tradition is to use the restaurants in the
village of Cargèse.

We have very limited funding, that we can spend in priority to support phd
and postdocs if they do not have any other support.

Now the questions:

1°) We need to know if you would you like to attend the conference!

2°) We plan to ask first some people for their possible participation to
the conference. Here is a possible list. Please feel free to make comments
and to provide suggestions:

- Sergey Bobkov
- Sourav Chatterjee
- Jean-René Chazottes
- Friedrich Götze
- Nathaël Gozlan (or Cyril Roberto)
- Arnaud Guillin
- Ramon van Handel
- Bo'az Klartag
- Vladimir Koltchinskii
- Michel Ledoux
- Gabor Lugosi (or Stéphane Boucheron)
- Shahar Mendelson
- Roberto Oliveira
- Daniel Paulin
- Emmanuel Rio (or Florence Merlevede)
- Van Vu

We plan to contact them on February 1st.

Thank you very much for your help.

Best wishes.

Djalil, Joel, Radek.