16/4/1955, the word for "computer" was coined by professor Jacques Perret in response to a request from IBM France for which the term "calculator" was too ...
Jacques Perret (1906-1992) est un philologue et latiniste français, professeur à la Faculté des lettres de Paris dans les années 1948-1971.
Apr 3, 2023 · We had this debate in France in 1955. We use ... IBM France shared a letter wondering if ... To which Jacques Perret answered "why not ordinateur?
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In its application to computing, it was coined by the professor of philology Jacques Perret in a letter dated 16 April 1955, in response to a request from IBM ...
Jul 11, 2019 · ... 1955-terme-ordinateur-invente-par-jacques-perret.html. On est passé à côté de perles. Nos "ordinateurs" auraient pu s'appeler des ...
Apr 26, 2017 · In 1955, l'entreprise (the company) IBM brought a new computer and le mot ordinateur to France. They needed a word for the device and l ...
ordinateur is not a translation ! In spring 1955 IBM France was going to build the first electronic machines ... word Mr Girard contacted Professor Jacques Perret ...
Jun 1, 2015 · Jacques Perret (1906-1992). Lettre du 16 avril 1955 de J. Perret, professeur à l'université de Paris, à C. de Waldner, président d'IBM France.